Saturday, January 17, 2009


In our life we face a lot of difficulties which i call the, "TEST OF LIFE"...well as we live our life it's always hard to make the right decisions for yourself..........and we all know that making this discussion well either help us or harm us in some ways...but during this age of JY's is hard cause we have to make the right decisions cause making this decisions some how relates to what would happen to you when reaching the new level of life which is becoming a youth....beside from that i believe that this tests are good for this which we get to learn in how to make good decisions from a very young age...and when you come across another situation like this you would just know what to point is that test is something that really prepares you for the future and you might not even know it but it really does helps when ever facing such test you should always look in the bright's better facing the test when still in such age so that you kind of already have a idea of what your facing and it makes it easy for you to make your decisions test and difficulties is something i believe that is good for such young hope you remember that something that is not bad it's something that really prepares you for the next level.........