Tuesday, March 18, 2008

a world in a bottle


hey! check out this cool site.Maaan!it's cool.i think this site is pretty cool because it shows how the world could be fit into this bottle of coke. it is also a symbol of good partnership around the world,in which one day we would be like the bottle like all of us would be one and be living in one peaceful place. may be one day . but for now you should check it out for yourselves and know what i'm talking about.


Miu said...

Hi Mercy, i'm the first one to comment on ur blog ae...yeeeeyaaah..
Man..u have point there boy....how did u do that...lol

good work bro....

Unknown said...

hey mercy!
omg! your blog's great! anyways keep it up alright! well i'm looking forwarding to seeing more...if you have more! lol